Recent Updates
- Dec 7, 2023: Best paper and Outstanding Reviewer Awards are announced.
- Oct 23, 2023: Accepted papers are listed.
- Sep 9, 2023: Submission deadline is extended to Sep 12 12:59 PM (UTC-0).
- Sep 1, 2023: Paper Submission Portal is available in OpenReview. Every author of the paper needs to register in OpenReview.
- Aug 21, 2023: Shared task rank lists are public. Task 1, Task 2.
- Jul 22, 2023: Pre-submission Mentoring is launched.
- Jul 15, 2023: Two Shared Tasks are announced.
- May 12, 2023: First Call for Papers is announced.
- May 1, 2023: Join the Slack workgroup for communication.
Important Dates
Paper submission due |
Notification of acceptance |
Camera-ready due |
Workshop | 7 December 2023 co-located with EMNLP |
Shared Tasks
We endorse the following shared task(s) and strongly encourage the participants to participate and submit the paper to the workshop.
- Task 1: Violence Inciting Text Detection (VITD)
- Task 2: Sentiment Analysis of Bangla Social Media Posts
Participants of the shared tasks are encouraged to submit their system description paper to the workshop by the due deadline.
Instructions to Prepare Your Paper
Regardless of the ranking, each participating tips are encouraged to write and submit a system description paper. Here are some information about the paper submission process:
- Papers should be submitted using OpenReview Portal. Link will be available soon.
- Papers should follow the general paper requirements by EMNLP. Please go through the instructions carefully.
- Paper should be written using the official templates provided by EMNLP. Papers submitted with wrong templates will be desk rejected.
- Each system description paper should be a short paper. That means it may consist of up to 4 pages, plus unlimited references and appendix. Upon acceptance, short papers will be given 5 content pages in the proceedings. Authors are encouraged to use this additional page to address reviewers’ comments in their final versions.
- The title of paper should be in the following format:
{TeamName} at BLP-2023 Task 1: {Title of your paper}
For Example:
Intellect at BLP-2023 Task 1: From BERT to VITD: Applying Transformer Technologies for Violence Detection in Text
Shared task paper review process is not double-blind. That means you can put your team name and author’s information on the paper.
Each system description paper have to cite the shared task overview paper (will be written by the shared task organizers). Please check out the shared task pages in Github to find citation information.
Tips for writing a good system description paper
- Clearly describe the problem you are trying to solve, what is the dataset, and mention the motivation behind your system design.
- Investigating the strengths and weaknesses of a system and listing them in the paper is helpful for future studies. An error analysis section is highly encouraged that will outline where the system works best and what are the cases where it fails. Is there any noticeable patterns in the mistakes?
For the beginners, it is always beneficial to look at some other system description papers. Here are some papers that won the best paper awards in SemEval shared tasks. Reading these can give an idea on what are the characteristics of a good paper. Historical SemEval papers can be found here.
- Utilize spelling and grammar checker tools.
We are looking forward to your paper submissions. The deadline is September 10, 23:59 UTC-12. Unless announced in advanced, the deadline is firm and would not be extended under any circumstances.
Additional Information For Submissions:
Please follow the instructions to prepare your system description paper in the CFP.