Recent Updates

Important Dates

* These dates are approximate date based on EMNLP 2023 and are subject to changes.

Paper submission due Sep 12 (Tue), 2023
Notification of acceptance Oct 10 (Tue), 2023
Camera-ready due Oct 17 (Tue), 2023
Workshop 7 December 2023 co-located with EMNLP

Shared Tasks

We endorse the following shared task(s) and strongly encourage the participants to participate and submit the paper to the workshop.

Participants of the shared tasks are encouraged to submit their system description paper to the workshop by the due deadline.

Instructions to Prepare Your Paper

Regardless of the ranking, each participating tips are encouraged to write and submit a system description paper. Here are some information about the paper submission process:

{TeamName} at BLP-2023 Task 1: {Title of your paper}

For Example:
Intellect at BLP-2023 Task 1: From BERT to VITD: Applying Transformer Technologies for Violence Detection in Text

Tips for writing a good system description paper

We are looking forward to your paper submissions. The deadline is September 10, 23:59 UTC-12. Unless announced in advanced, the deadline is firm and would not be extended under any circumstances.

Additional Information For Submissions:

Please follow the instructions to prepare your system description paper in the CFP.