Recent Updates

Important Dates

* These dates are approximate date based on EMNLP 2023 and are subject to changes.

Paper submission due Sep 12 (Tue), 2023
Notification of acceptance Oct 10 (Tue), 2023
Camera-ready due Oct 17 (Tue), 2023
Workshop 7 December 2023 co-located with EMNLP

Pre-submission Mentoring

We are launching a pre-submission mentoring program in a limited scale. We are adapting this from the pre-submission mentoring program in other *CL conferences.

We hope this program can help create a path for prospective BLP authors who would not otherwise have considered participating in, or working on a submission to the workshop. We hope to establish valuable connections and first-hand training for these early-career researchers throughout the submission process. This program will provide the authors access to mentors who will provide them feedback on: (i) polishing the draft (ii) suggesting any missing experiments (iii) discussing interesting directions to extend the work etc.

To this end, we are starting a pre-submission mentoring program that begins on August 1th and will run until the paper submission deadline.

Information for Mentees

To apply to be a mentee, please fill out this form by July 31st. Please provide as much information you can so that we can find out a good match.

Important Notes:

For any questions related to specific workshop submission deadlines, submission instructions and policies, please reach out to the workshop organizers.

Please note that submitting to this mentoring program does not submit your work to a workshop automatically. You will still need to make a submission to your workshop of interest before their specified deadline(s).

Mentor/Mentees Expectation

Mentors are encouraged to provide feedback addressing the following questions (among others):

We will have a mid-way check-in in August to check if the match is going well.

Time commitment expected from the mentors is about 8 hours over the duration of the mentoring program.